Retainer Policy

A retainer policy is necessary in order to meet expenses and to maintain good relations and access to the prompt and efficient services of Trenner Law associates, draftsmen, and others. This also helps us maintain our low fee structure by not having to spend our time on collections. Your understanding is appreciated.

Trenner Law generally requires a retainer. This retainer is held in COLTAF trust account and applied against attorney fees and costs you incur. A replenishment retainer may be required at various stages of our engagement in order for Trenner Law to continue representing you. Trenner Law does not pay interest on sums held in trust. Trenner Law will refund any amounts not applied to outstanding invoices within three (3) months of terminating this engagement or within three (3) months of receiving a written request for refund from you if no other work is foreseeable.

Trenner Law requires that the retainer include sufficient funds to cover any searches, foreign applications, and other projects that require substantial time or disbursements to other professions or government entities prior to making such disbursements. Trenner Law may issue special invoices for specific work or expenses which Trenner Law determines are not covered by the current retainer.

Any waiver of the retainer can be reinstated at any time at the discretion of Trenner Law.