Reminders Policy

In order to provide consistent reminder services for all of our clients, Trenner Law implements the following procedure for issuing reminders. Trenner Law dockets all due dates for matters Trenner Law is responsible for, and issues reminders of upcoming deadlines sufficiently in advance so that you can make informed decisions how to proceed. In order for this system to work, however, it is critical that you keep your contact information up to date with Trenner Law and immediately acknowledge receipt of any such reminder, along with your intention to (a) continue the matter, (b) give the matter further consideration, or (c) abandon the matter. Unfortunately, if a reminder is sent to an invalid email address, we attempt to call a number that has been disconnected, or we otherwise do not hear back from you in a timely manner, we are unable to determine whether you are still interested in pursuing the matter and whether we should continue to attempt to contact you.

In order to provide consistent reminder services for all of our clients, Trenner Law implements the following procedure for issuing reminders, which you hereby expressly consent to:

  • After sending you an opinion letter regarding prior art search results for your invention or availability of your trademark for registration, Trenner Law will not issue you any reminders whether to proceed with a patent or trademark application. It is up to you to contact Trenner Law and notify us in writing within fifteen (15) days with further instructions for pursuing patent or trademark protection. If we do not hear from you within fifteen (15 days, Trenner Law will close out your file and this will conclude your representation. Trenner law will not take any further action on your behalf and you may lose important rights.
  • After filing a provisional patent application for your invention, Trenner Law will attempt to issue you one (1) reminder in about six (6) to nine (9) months after the filing date, using the most recent contact information on file, and reminding you to file a regular patent application claiming priority to the provisional patent application by the expiration date. If you do not reply within thirty (30) days or the contact information you have provided to Trenner Law is no longer current, then Trenner Law will close out the file and this will conclude your representation. Trenner Law will not take any further action on your behalf and you may lose important rights to your invention, including irreversibly abandoning your application.
  • After filing a regular patent application or a trademark application, Trenner Law will issue you one (1) reminder after receiving any communication from the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, using the most recent contact information on file. If you do not reply within thirty (30) days or the contact information you have provided to Trenner Law is no longer current, then Trenner Law will close out the file and this will conclude your representation. Trenner law will not take any further action on your behalf and you may lose important rights, including irreversibly abandoning your application.

If Trenner Law issues more than one (1) reminder, this does not constitute a waiver of this policy, and Trenner Law may chose not to issue any further reminders at any time after issuing the first reminder.